Friday, 20 April 2012

The Start of New School New Friends :)

I'm back~ Firstly, I'm so sorry that I M-I-A for so long. There are 3 reasons that contributed to my non blogging life-style.
1. I started school and since is only the first week, I still need time to adjust my body clock. School starts at 10 on Mon-Wed and 8 on Thurs & Friday. So when I come home from school, the first thing I do is eat and after that, SLEEP! 
2. There is actually nothing much to blog about in school. I mean seriously, do you guys want to read about my school? It will be boring, plus there isn't any pictures to post up. A blog post without pictures is er, boring. So i rather not blog. I'm busy. Poly life is not as free and easy as what you think! 
3. People read my blog even if I don't blog as often! And a special someone read it too :D So it got me motivated  to at least blog on something before I become all lazy again! 
SOOoooooooo...... Here comes the post for today :)
There isn't anything much to talk about since it's school. Is all the same, Go lecture, face the boring lecturer, listen to boring lecture, having some super useless tutorials, bearing the super cold aircon. That is pretty much what happen during this one whole week in school. And today, I brought my laptop to school cause my PM, asked everyone to bring it. As usual, super bored in the PM's briefing, so I on my webcam and snap some pictures of my class. FYI, I've no idea where the hell all the girls went so, just enjoy the pictures. There are only 6 pictures :/
 P.s. Is a webcam from a laptop, don't expect good quality :D
A partial class photo?

A picture with our class rep (the top left )

Peace \./

Smile :D


My French Mentor :)

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